Taxonomic list T4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

branch of glossopharyngeal nerve

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Current level branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
53470 19519
branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
ramus nervi glossopharyngei
53480 6504 part
tympanic nerve
nervus tympanicus
53486 6510 part
pharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
ramus pharyngeus nervi glossopharyngei
6511 part
stylopharyngeal branch
ramus stylopharyngeus
53488 6512 part
carotid sinus nerve of glossopharyngeal nerve
nervus sinus carotici nervi glossopharyngei
53489 6513 part
tonsillar branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
ramus tonsillaris nervi glossopharyngei
53490 6514 part
lingular branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
ramus lingularis nervi glossopharyngei
53491 6515 part
lesser petrous nerve ; parasympathetic root of otic ganglion
nervus petrosus minor ; radix parasympathica ganglii otici
8 items
16 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Given its size, the term Nervus sinus carotici (Carotid sinus nerve; see Toorop et al. 2009 J Vasc Surg 50:177-182) is more appropriate (suggested by Ronald Bleys, Utrecht).
Type of list T4
List Unit Identifier 19519
Number of children 15 (validated)
Number of units 8 (validated)
Signature 6585 (validated since 15.7.2024)
Date: 06.01.2025